Joong! - Brand identity

  • Creative direction
  • Art direction
  • Branding
  • Web design
  • Social media strategies

Helmond is a small city in the south of the Netherlands. The city has a undeniable stigma and a learn to love type of vibe. The cities municipality together with five of the mayor cultural institutions tasked us to create a community that would help youth in Helmond get more involved with cultural events.

Joong is a local dialect word that describes a group of young people. The objective of this community is to make sure the new generation is heard rather than ignored. And help both the council and local businesses to reach this audience by youth participation.

Till this day Contra still contributes to this community because we too fell in love with this city and their people. This city is on it’s way to a cultural turning point and it’s an honour to (even if its just a little bit) be able to be a part of such innovations.